Blue Indiana wrote a nice comment a ways back and invited me to contribute to the blog. Poor time management rather than churlishness caused my delay in adding this blog to the blogroll. I wish I had something of value to add but I suggest keeping an eye on this one.
I have known Mark Rutherford since law school. A genuine and genuinely nice person who is a dedicated Libertarian. He is blogging at Mark W.Rutherford's Immediate Past State Chairman's Report. I disagree with much of Libertarianism but I got to give them credit for not indulging in the cynicism I have been complaining about today in this post.
A blog found pleasantly by accident (ah, the wonders of Google): The Democratic Daily Blog...
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
1 week ago