Privatizing the lottery has so many things wrong with it that I really cannot believe the Governor thinks this has a chance. I agree some things government ought not try to run but the moral and social ramifications of legalized gambling make this one function for which private enterprise has no place. It does appear that the Governor has no ideas beyond liquidating the State of Indiana.
On more practical level, the lottery brings money into the state government so that the politicians need not show backbone and deal with Indiana's tax system. Now the State of Indiana wants to give up long term revenue for a big, immediate payoff. I have two words for Mitch Daniels: golden goose. I bet more voters know that story better than that Princeton graduate playing Governor.
One final thought on this subject, for some smart-alecky fun:
The most common ways to destroy the vampire are driving a wooden stake through the heart, decapitation, and incinerating the body completely. Ways to prevent a suspected vampire from rising from the grave in the first place include burying it upside-down, severing the tendons at the knees, or placing poppy seeds on the ground at the gravesite of a presumed vampire in order to keep the vampire occupied all night counting. Chinese narratives about vampires also state that if a vampire comes across a sack of rice, s/he will have to count all of the grains. There are similar myths recorded on the Indian Subcontinent. South American tales of witches and other sorts of evil or mischievous spirits or beings have a similar aspect to it.