I do not buy the Herald-Bulletin very often and so I missed the full page ad attacking Terri Austin for her vote against SJ 7. The online Herald-Bulletin has nothing about the ad. Instead, I got the news from Advance Indiana.
How stupid do these people think we are in Anderson? This amendment did nothing to protect marriage that our law does not already do. Mrs. Austin had the good sense to see the harm outweighed any good to the majority of us.
I notice that The Herald Bulletin has not editorialized against her vote but I also see that they could not find any way to support her vote. Certainly this vote deserved a thumbs up.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
1 day ago