Writing in today's Washington Post, Mr. Dionne presents the
thesis that it is the Democrat's Iraq policy that will make or break the party. I would like to disagree but my doubts increase from posts like
this on Daily
Kos. I never favored invading Iraq, I have lost friends over this, but I am
completely stymied right now. I think we have created a mess that could be a horror. Ia m quite old enough to remember a mess we created in Cambodia and how we did nothing to stop the horror that followed our leaving Cambodia. On the other hand, I think our current deployment in Iraq only increases the problems. Frankly, Iraq seems to now be about co-dependence and enabling bad behavior (and that on all sides). So, the majority may be against the policy of Bush but we need to be more sensible than the
Bushies have been to date. Let us Democrats shoot for the best policy and not just the quickest, simplest policy. We have a President doing that right now.