Economic development experts say Connersville, which has a population of 15,400, doesn't have to founder in bad news.
The city has a good shot at landing parts suppliers to the $550 million Honda Motor Co. assembly plant under construction less than an hour's drive away in Greensburg, said Tom Miller, a Greenfield economic development consultant who wrote the state's economic development strategy.
"Those workers would be a valuable asset for a number of companies," Miller said. Otherwise, Connersville might find success pursuing such hot industries as alternative energy and health care, he said.
I italicized that last sentence because I think it bears on us in Madison County. We have iPower but what are we doing about focusing our development towards newer industries?
Locally, teh Herald-Bulletin reported we lost Morano’s on the Meridian, Penguin Point and Best Drive Thru Feed Barn. I do not thik I have been in Penguin Point in over fiftenn years. I wondered how it survived all this time and now I wonder what killed it.
I ate once at Morano's and then wife put an embargo on eating out with the kids. The food was very good and I am sorry to see it go. However, it did seem a bit like Fort Zinderneuf . No restaurant will survive downtown unless there is more to do downtown of an evening. Those that are there survive on their lunch business. I have no idea about Morano's lunch business. It looks like the State Theater remains in the process of opening. I still think the only way for Anderson's downtown to succeed is to copy Muncie and push entertainment venues. For example take a look at the Muncie Free Press.