Friday, January 12, 2007

Why you should read more than your local paper online

Hey, we got the internet and that brings the whole wold to us. So why just stick with reading the local paper on the internet? I do not read as much as I used but with a RSS reader I still around a bit. So is it laziness or ignorance of how to find non-local newspapers online?

I learned from a friend in Canada just how different the US news is from foreign news. That the Toronto paper or others would print stories that our US papers would not print. Once you start looking around at the news we are not getting from our own papers, you might get out of the conservatives' whine about liberal bias in the press. From what I saw when Bush was priming the pump for invading Iraq, neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post were as critical of the Administration as British papers were of Prime Minister Blair. (The New Times could even be said to be a cheerleader for invasion). Any bias is that these "liberal" papers are mainstream and the conservatives are not mainstream.

To give you an example, take a look at The Times of London's page on Iraq with the New York Times' Middle East page. Some overlap but the New York headlines seem so much more tepid.

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