Sunday, January 14, 2007

Putting my money where my mouth is, Part 1

I wrote yesterday, that we need to have a better vision of what we want Anderson to be before we can set out a plan. Today, I want to start working on such a vision. I know the following list is vague, maybe even the one thing I detest - utopian, but hopefully it will start a conversation (if there are actually people reading this thing):
  1. A city where everyone's talents and energies can be put to good use.
  2. A city that encourages its citizens to be more than worker drones.
  3. A city that throws off its reliance on outsiders to run the place.
  4. A city that is open to all of its citizens to make contributions to the community.
  5. A city that is a fun place to live.
  6. A city that can answer the question of why anyone would want to live here.
  7. A city that can actually enjoy and promote its uniqueness.

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