The Indianapolis Star has an article and editorial about the upcoming General Assembly. I so seldom agree with the Star's editorials that I am about in shock. Of course, there is not here that is really new. Finally, the Republicans see the sense of all day kindergarten. We have got it get drilled in the kids' heads that a good education equals a good job. Drill it in the parent's heads, too. There are still those who think that GM will start employing high school dropouts at UAW wages.
What I fear is that Mighty Mitch ( have seen too much of that MM logo and can only think of Mighty Mouse when I see it) is trying to make himself out to look reasonable and us Democrats as unreasonable. Again, thanks to TDW for making me think about this. Maybe the uproar over privatizing the lottery has sent him into shock.
Daniels' legislative programs intrigue me. TDW, again, brought this one up. She asks if MM has a larger strategy or getting a cold shoulder from his party? First year in, he tossed out an increased tax and did nothing to get it through the legislature. His proposals this year for new toll road and the lottery have no sponsors on the legislative side. Part of me wonders if he even knows how to line up legislators but maybe I am just overestimating his arrogance. Maybe, just maybe, the Republicans have come to realize that Bush and his acolytes like MM have come close to ruining their party? Maybe our Republicans have a larger strategy to remove MM before we get a chance? Let us hope.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
1 week ago