From the comments to a couple of blogs, I learned that there is another Anderson blogger. The LSOA has not published much of late, but maybe that will change?
He asked in his comment to my post on Obama: "Why can't we find someone like him to run for Mayor?"
I think Barack Obama has a vision of where he wants the Democratic party and this county to go. I know Kris Ockomon and Darryl Rensel have announced their candidacies. I cannot say from the Herald-Bulletin articles what sort of vision they have for Anderson. Maybe LSOA or I should find the time to ask them.
If this editorial is any indication, the Herald-Bulletin will not ask Smith what is his vision for Anderson.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
1 week ago