I decided to nose around The Scotsman and see what else they had on biofuels. I have been reading The Scotsman for several years and I have noticed that they have an interest in energy. Proposals have been made to build large windfarms in Scotland. Not unlike Indiana, right? So I am thinking that we might learn something from the Scots. I do think that the following articles might give us some things to think about as the Governor proposes a move to biodiesel and we put up more ethanol plants.
Biofuels: a new dawn or business as usual?
Biomass plant set to help hit green targets
With the first one, we might want to swap wheat for corn and consider whether we have anything similar to whisky and beef to sell.
The second story brings to mind a story a friend told me years ago. he had come back from Connecticut where they had a co-generation plant to dispose of their garbage and create electricity. That was about the time the county was getting worried about landfill space. He took this idea to a county councilman as a win-win solution. The County Councilman told him that the Council was too conservative to be interested in such an idea. I wonder now if it was conservatism or just old fashioned unimaginativeness. Of course, we will not see any of these ideas out of our Governor and certainly not out of our mayor. After all, he was the County Councilman too timid to even investigate the idea of a co-generation plant.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
1 week ago