Sunday, November 26, 2006

Still catching up- Madison County elections

Yeah, so I am late about this too. I got to make a living. I might also add that I just do not what to say about the local races. Especially, our prosecutor's race.

Rodney Cummings looked pretty much unbeatable. He has been tied closely to Judge Dennis Carroll as a political ally. Dennis Carroll draws much of his political support fo the Church of God group. I am not sure what this will do for that machine but it is a surprise.

The Herald-Bulletin did a follow up on this after the election and even then no one had a good explanation on why. If you look at the comments to the story, I think Londa probably had a good explanation as any. I have not looked at the detailed vote totals but in the old days a Democratic candidate needed the African-American vote on the west side of Anderson and Elwood to win. Complaining that it was an anti-Republican year just does not cut it when the Republican prosecutor in Grant County was re-elected.

On the other hand, the results show more Democrats voted straight ticket. Those same results show that the state wide races went Democrat in Madison County even though they lost on the whole. I do not recall this kind of result except when the state wide races won overall.

Very strange, indeed. Let us hope that we can keep this kind of organization going.

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