We got that park that oblierated 12th Street between Meridian and Jackson, so why not use it to draw people downtown. Not that the City has nt been using it. They just do not use it enough.
So here is an idea - music.
Look, they got a bandstand at the park. Seating exists and there could be a sort of a "lawn" seating, too. At the recent Strawberry Festival, there was a group girls beating on a big drum. So nothing all that strange in the idea itself.
But what will get enough people downtown? Well, that depends. First, how about playing it smart and coordinating events or involving other businesses downtown? Marketing people call this cross-selling. Second, whatever is done needs proper promotion by everyone involved. (How many people did know of the go-kart race last month who would have attended? Or the Strawberry Festival? Or the International Festival? Ok, ok, it rained cats and dogs that weekend). Do you get the point? You can build it but if they do not know it has been built or where it has been built, they are not going to come.
Muncie has its Summer Jam and End of Summer Jam. Local businesses get behind these things. Local radio promotes them. So there is one example we can look at and see how it is done. One thing to suss out is how the ticket money gets sorted out. But take this into account - it is sure easier to get to Anderson from surrounding areas than it is to get to Muncie.
Another thing would be free concerts - think back to the days where there were battles of the bands. How many local bands are there nowadays? Or rappers? Yes, got to include the rappers. Get some dj's from Indy to judge to give it even more publicity. Set up a prize for the winners.
It might even work better after the State Theater re-opens and they offer music. I think Kroakerheads (the bar at 13th and Meridian) still has bands. So the effect could be to have a moveable all-ages music programme. You extend the ages if the Paramount has music at the same time.
Too late to do anything along these lines this year but no reason not to start planning for next year.
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
John Krull, writing in the State House File, has a great column entitled
“To coin a phrase” that you should go read. The passage that prompted me to
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