Even though the blurb below does not say it. This writer lives in Anderson.
Best and Worst Job I Ever Had, The: (selected poems 1985-2005) John Hulse John Hulse has been a ghostwriter, book editor, indexer and author. His books include Villains of the Impeachment: Sex, Lies and $50 Million Taxpayer Dollars (PublishAmerica 2004); Democracy for Sale: The Two Year Search for Extraterrestrials and Campaign Finance Reform (PublishAmerica 2002); From the Beats to the B Sides; Teachable Movies for Elementary and Middle School Classrooms; Let’s Play…; and Somewhere West of the Fields. His short stories, essays and poetry have appeared in more than two hundred magazines, including Tin Lustre Mobile; Global Tapestry; Crescent Moon (England); Cinemagazine (Japan); Beneath the Surface (Canada); Rant; The New Press; True Love (New York); Deep; Chaminade Literary Review (Hawaii); Touchstone (Wisconsin); Libido (Illinois); Eidos (Massachusetts); Catharsis (California); Catalyst (Georgia); Phase and Cycle (Colorado); Japanophile (Michigan); Kumquat Meringue (Minnesota); and Notre Dame Press (Indiana).
John Hulse was born in Muncie, Indiana. He has traveled throughout the world working as a freelance writer. Mr. Hulse did his master’s work at New York University and has made dozens of short films from 1984 to his current project, which is the completion of a documentary about epilepsy for The Sundance Film Festival. His trademark sense of humor has been on display in hundreds of magazines all over the world. While attending NYU he won an essay contest that asked the question, “Why do we miss Andy Warhol?” Mr. Hulse’s award-winning essay consisted of four words: “Because he is dead.”
Good Government: The World’s Only Free Lunch
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The Southwest Airlines Debacle
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but it...
Bank accounts
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public schoo...
Let Bannon and Trump talk. We’ll report.
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The Real Motivation of the Pain Caucus
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Your Intelligence Time Magazine made the smart decision to put its dumb
cover stor...
How did Wisconsin become a cesspool?
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underlying the instan...
The Return!
Stay tuned...what was once Indy's Painfully Objective Political Analysis
(iPOPA) is undergoing a transformation, but it will be back soon!
This blog has moved
This blog is now located at http://blog.animalswithinanimals.com/.
You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.
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Trouble with the CIB
Well folks your friendly neighborhood Capitol Improvement Board
("CIB")needs some help.
You might recall that the CIB is the quasi-government agency that r...
Dartmouth Law Journal calling for papers
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times a year by undergraduate students under the auspices of the
Rockefeller Cent...